Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Thoughts on Public Comments

With the Internet being involved in everyday life, people interact more and more about numerous topics. These people commenting to one another about different topics are performing Speech Acts. In an article about Trumps comments about immigration on Deadline, many people have commented their own opinions on the matter.

-Some commenter's were expressing fear about the idea of Trump becoming president. They discussed fear of the possible future due to them not agreeing with either what he was saying what he stands for. Others fear the circumstances of our nation today and what it may become. Other examples of fear in the article is the San Francisco shooting and the possibility of dog fighting being brought into the U.S.

-Different people have different beliefs, and some of these beliefs are that not all immigrants are bad, while others believe they are all bad. Many people believe that Trump doesn't know what he is talking about or that he is just a random rich guy. Other believe that he is right for saying what he says.

-Commenter's about the matter that came off as more reasonable than others was due to them having more of a background on the subject. Another reason is how they wrote their comments. Some comments had proper spelling and grammar along with educational reasoning. The commenter being a federal law enforcement agent and the one who grew up with a mother fighting to raise a family seemed reasonable despite voicing different views.

-People that seemed less trustworthy or were less reasonable were those who just complained about the situation. Giving no reasoning behind their response gives others less of a chance of believing them. Commenter's who discussed off topic subjects also seemed less trustworthy. Although the person may have felt that they were on topic, compared to the rest of the group they were not which makes a reader less inclined to side with their story.

All of these people commenting on the article has their own belief and values that shape their opinions. Our society forms our individual opinions based off of certain influences such as life experiences, close friends and family, social media, and more.

Steven Duron

REFLECTION: Of the students blogs that I read and commented, I had agreed with their work. We all had an understanding of which comments were lacking credibility compared to others. Also some students agreed that there were some fear shown within the comments. The students blogs I commented on were written by Stephanie.

1.9 Calendar Reflection

Life is easier when you have a planner. Planning out your weeks makes it easy complete tasks you put ahead of yourself and you are also less likely to fall behind.
tigerlily713 "Calendar-Date-Time-Month-Week" 03/04/2015 via Pixabay

After completely the weekly calendar assignment, I realized that I should have time to successfully do 6 hours worth of work per class. In the calendar, I put that I mostly did homework on my days off and on week nights. However, I also think that I missed some activities during the week that I should have put down. Along with homework, I have listed sleep, work, gym, lunch, dinner, and friends. Relaxation time is also listed in some areas. It was also difficult to complete the calendar because my work schedule varies throughout the month. If I stick relatively close to my calendar schedule, I will have enough time to put the proper effort into my classes, and still have time for other activities.

Steven Duron

Other students schedules seem just as busy if not more busy than my own. Both blogs that I commented on had full time work schedules and both think they will be able to successfully put in the work for this class. The blogs I commented on were Mariana's and Cynthia's.

1.10 Superbowl 49 
Since football season is upon us, we can discuss more football! And although this article is about the previous Superbowl, some controversies that happened are still being discussed. More specifically, this article is about multiple controversies that were happening around Superbowl 49 such as Deflategate, Marshawn Lynch, and GoDaddy. This topic interests me because it is about my favorite sport; football. I love watching all the games and hearing all the different sorts of news that gets brought up this time of year. If you want to read the article, I got it from New York Mag.

Steven Duron 

1.8 My Writing Process

I never knew my writing style could be categorized under a specific type. I didn't even know that there were different types to begin with. Dr. Lisa Ede explains that there are four different types of writers; heavy planners, heavy revisers, sequential composers, and procrastinators.

Kaczorowski,Jenny "Red Pen" 7/23/12 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial-SharAlike 2.0 Generic
-Out of these four types of writers, I would consider my writing to be in the heavy revisers type. Normally I do not have a type of plan, mapping out my work, so instead I will start writing and figure out the rest along the way. 

-If I had to pick a second approach that best describes me it would be the procrastinators. Although we all procrastinate, I have found that I often used to wait until the last minute and only proofread once. 

-I am satisfied with my writing process although of course there are different aspects of my writing I need to work on. Using the heavy revising approach gives the writer the chance to go over their work throughly and improves their paper. However, if the writer relies on revising too much, he or she could spend too much time revising and no produce their best work as the deadline drew closer. 

-Different approaches provide different strengths and weaknesses. It would be wise to try different approaches to see if one fits me better and to see what ways I like or don't like. If I were to try a different type of writing I would choose heavy planners because it seems like a style I could adapt to.

After viewing other students writing assignments, I feel well connected with the others. The writers that I viewed all had the same writing process as I wrote. I wonder if I viewed all of the other students work, if we would all have the same process. Surely someone must have a different style they use. Of the blogs that I viewed, I commented on Jorge's and Felicia's.