Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Thoughts on Public Comments

With the Internet being involved in everyday life, people interact more and more about numerous topics. These people commenting to one another about different topics are performing Speech Acts. In an article about Trumps comments about immigration on Deadline, many people have commented their own opinions on the matter.

-Some commenter's were expressing fear about the idea of Trump becoming president. They discussed fear of the possible future due to them not agreeing with either what he was saying what he stands for. Others fear the circumstances of our nation today and what it may become. Other examples of fear in the article is the San Francisco shooting and the possibility of dog fighting being brought into the U.S.

-Different people have different beliefs, and some of these beliefs are that not all immigrants are bad, while others believe they are all bad. Many people believe that Trump doesn't know what he is talking about or that he is just a random rich guy. Other believe that he is right for saying what he says.

-Commenter's about the matter that came off as more reasonable than others was due to them having more of a background on the subject. Another reason is how they wrote their comments. Some comments had proper spelling and grammar along with educational reasoning. The commenter being a federal law enforcement agent and the one who grew up with a mother fighting to raise a family seemed reasonable despite voicing different views.

-People that seemed less trustworthy or were less reasonable were those who just complained about the situation. Giving no reasoning behind their response gives others less of a chance of believing them. Commenter's who discussed off topic subjects also seemed less trustworthy. Although the person may have felt that they were on topic, compared to the rest of the group they were not which makes a reader less inclined to side with their story.

All of these people commenting on the article has their own belief and values that shape their opinions. Our society forms our individual opinions based off of certain influences such as life experiences, close friends and family, social media, and more.

Steven Duron

REFLECTION: Of the students blogs that I read and commented, I had agreed with their work. We all had an understanding of which comments were lacking credibility compared to others. Also some students agreed that there were some fear shown within the comments. The students blogs I commented on were written by Stephanie.


  1. I'll agree that some background can help establish credibility. I'm also glad we agree that improper spelling and grammar really hurts your credibility. No explanation or background also makes it hard to be convinced by an argument.

  2. People are quick to assume and stereotype especially when involving people of diverse cultures. We as a nation need to be more cautious especially when freedom of speech in our land of the free and the home of the brave is portrayed.
