Thursday, October 15, 2015

8.1 Clarity, Part 1

The first topic I chose is titled "Prefer Active Verbs." Active verbs help enhance a writers sentences in place of passive words. In order to add an active verb, one just needs to avoid forms such as be, am, is, was, were, or been. After reading about this topic, I noticed that the active verbs really strengthen the sentences after seeing the before and after word choice.

A second topic is balancing parallel ideas. Parallels are words or phrases that match with the rest of the sentence. These parallel words create a better flow for the sentence and are often presented in pairs. These pairs are joined by using either, or, but, and, than. While comparing the first sentence with the revised one, adding parallels enhance the sentences.

After reading the third topic, add needed words, I understand that why certain sentences need words to help explain the sentence better and be grammatically correct. A good example of when to add words is when the writer is making comparisons. Adding a, an, and the can help grammatically when dealing with paired items within a writers sentences.

The last topic that I read was about untangling mixed constructions. This occurs when different parts of the sentence are next to each and don't mess together. A tip that I learned is to avoid is when, is where, and reason. Thinking back on my previous work, I know that I have made that mistake multiple times.


REFLECTION: I found myself searching for my four topics while I was editing students responses. However, it was difficult to identify some examples of these topics.

Prefer Active Verbs: "In brief, Harts article focuses on persuading alternative and traditional medicine to become one practice, while also taking into consideration common criticisms made from both disciplines" (Acosta).

Add needed words: "However, one must be reminded that even well-known scientists with credibility have been wrong and may have even hinder progress due to incorrect statements" (Rocha).

1 comment:

  1. I can relate in the fact that i couldn't identify these 4 topic as well. Personally, i wouldn't have caught those examples you listed, thanks for your feedback
