Tuesday, November 17, 2015

13.2 Punctuation, Part 2


While reading the chapter on the semicolon, I learned a lot about where to place them and the difference it is compared to a colon. Semicolons help break up sentences, and can be used with words such as however or for example. I also learned that semicolons can sometimes replace a comma within a sentence.


An apostrophe can be used to mark something as plural or possessive. I've always had an issue when figuring out when to put an apostrophe after the word instead of putting it before the "s". After reading the chapter, I think I have a better understanding as to when to use an apostrophe correctly in a sentence.

Quotation Marks

I use quotation marks frequently when writing my paper. These quotation marks are used when I am citing someone else's work word for word in my papers. Within this chapter, I learned about when to use quotation marks and also learned the differences between normal quotation marks and single quotation marks.


As for my project, I did not really use very many semicolons and apostrophes in my project. However, I do have single quotation marks and normal quotation marks that I have placed in my project. Examples of these marks are when I write 'Black Lives Matter' and when I cite another person. "Black teenage men are 21 times as likely to be the victim of a reported police killing as white teenage men" (Cook).


  1. I really like the 3 topics you chose! You did a great job explaining each topic. Also, you did a great job explaining what you learned form reading about each topic. also like your reflection because you explained what you needed to fix. Good job!

  2. I really like the approach you take for this assignment. I kind of just write out the rules I didn't really know or forgot about. You actually tie in what you learned about punctuation and how that will affect the way you write. I wish I had thought of that.
