For this weeks reflections I commented on Felicia's, Deb's, Cynthia's, and Deb's again.
Program Goals
English 102 aims to support student development in the four learning goals defined for all first-year courses in the Writing Program:
- Goal 1: Rhetorical Awareness. Learn strategies for analyzing texts’ audiences, purposes, and contexts as a means of developing facility in reading and writing.
Outlining what we are going to say in our project helps us question what our purpose and audience is. It also helps us decide how we are going to get our message across to our audience.
- Goal 2: Critical Thinking and Composing. Use reading and writing for purposes of critical thinking, research, problem solving, action, and participation in conversations within and across different communities.
Outlining our project helped us think critically and evaluate how we will approach our project.
- Goal 3: Reflection and Revision. Understand composing processes as flexible and collaborative, drawing upon multiple strategies and informed by reflection.
Writing the draft this week gives us an opportunity to reflect and revise our draft next week and give other students an opportunity to revise their drafts when we peer edit.
- Goal 4: Conventions. Understand conventions as related to purpose, audience, and genre, including such areas as mechanics, usage, citation practices, as well as structure, style, graphics, and design.
Paraphrasing is a good convention to work on to avoid plagiarism.
Course Goals
In English 102, you should learn how to:
- Read texts to assess how writers achieve their purposes with their intended audiences.
- Devise writing strategies suited to various rhetorical situations.
- Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience.
- Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument.
- Develop ideas with observations and reflections on your experience.
- Revise in response to feedback from readers to improve drafts.
- Use the conventions of scholarly research, analysis, and documentation.
- Use the conventions of academic writing, including clear, convincing prose.
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