Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Project 4 Final

December 12th, 2015

Dear Professor Rodrigo and fellow classmates,

Throughout the semester, I have learned much about my personal writing process and have been able to identify and appreciate different styles written by peers. My writing process has stayed consistently the same throughout the semester, which is called being a heavy reviser. For my first blog post, I decided that “Out of these four types of writers, I would consider my writing to be in the heavy revisers type” (Duron 2015). Even at the end of the semester, I still think that my writing style would be categorized under a heavy reviser. Being a heavy reviser gives me the opportunity to correct many errors that I make during my first few drafts.

The assignments completed each week help me plan and work on the big projects that were due. These assignments were able to get my mind thinking on what I needed to get done and help ideas flow into the project. One of the assignments that was tremendously helpful was the annotated bibliographies. This assignment helped me work on my APA citations and was important for my projects by showing me how to integrate other articles that were related to the subject I was working on. As for editing papers for my peers, this stage of the project helped both my peers work and my own. While editing other students work, I was able to see things that I could improve on in my own paper. I deeply appreciated feedback from the rest of the class on my project because they saw issues that I might have missed or even suggested ways to adjust my paper for the better.

The different genres were interesting to work with as we moved from project to project. I had never done a QRG or an animated presentation before so it was interesting to try something new. I was a bit intimidated by these new projects at first but now that they are completed I feel that I could replicate similar projects. These projects helped me strengthen my purpose and work on identifying my audience. I used to think of writing as just essay papers, but as we near the end of the semester, I have a better understanding on how to complete different projects. By opening my eyes to different genres, I can see how different genres can be better options to getting information across to people.

For next semester, I will be taking many policy classes, and although I haven’t taken many of these, I predict that they will consist of many writing assignments. As for how writing will be integrated in my career, I foresee that I will be having to write many reports about incidents briefing events. The work that I put into this class will help me organize my future work. A QRG could be considered similar to a briefing report so I will use what I learned in writing QRG to help. This class has been very helpful with how I prepare my work along with teaching me how to properly address my audience and stick to my purpose.


Steven Duron

Monday, December 7, 2015

14.3 Reflection on Peer Review Project #4

I commented on Andrew's and Felicia's.

After reviewing other student's letters, I found that they were able to integrate other pieces of work they have done in the past into their paper. Also, the other students papers all mentioned their writing process and did a good job at telling whether they changed their style or kept it the same. As for my paper, I need to make improvements such as integrating my previous work and giving more detail about how writing has affected me in subjects outside of school.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

14.2 Draft of Open Letter

Attached is my Project 4 !

Here is my fourth project! I thought of this project as a reflection on the semester's work. But I'm not sure if I was able to get all the information necessary. Please inform me if I missed questions from the prompt that I need to answer or if you think I need to add anything.



Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 13 Reflections

I commented on Felicia's, Anthony's, Deb's, and Felicia's again.

Program Goals

English 102 aims to support student development in the four learning goals defined for all first-year courses in the Writing Program:
  • Goal 1: Rhetorical Awareness. Learn strategies for analyzing texts’ audiences, purposes, and contexts as a means of developing facility in reading and writing.
-We wrote about our own writing processes, which made us analyze our own work and see if we are still the same type of writers we thought we were in the beginning.

  • Goal 2: Critical Thinking and Composing. Use reading and writing for purposes of critical thinking, research, problem solving, action, and participation in conversations within and across different communities.
-Discussing about our writing experience throughout the semester showed us how we handled different aspects of our assignments.

  • Goal 3: Reflection and Revision. Understand composing processes as flexible and collaborative, drawing upon multiple strategies and informed by reflection.
-We published our 3rd project this week and also reflected on other people's assignments.

  • Goal 4: Conventions. Understand conventions as related to purpose, audience, and genre, including such areas as mechanics, usage, citation practices, as well as structure, style, graphics, and design.
-Punctuation Part 2 helped us learn about different punctuation and how to properly insert them into our projects.

Course Goals

In English 102, you should learn how to:
  • Read texts to assess how writers achieve their purposes with their intended audiences.
  • Devise writing strategies suited to various rhetorical situations.
  • Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience.
  • Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument.
  • Develop ideas with observations and reflections on your experience.
  • Revise in response to feedback from readers to improve drafts.
  • Use the conventions of scholarly research, analysis, and documentation.
  • Use the conventions of academic writing, including clear, convincing prose.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

13.5 Reflecting on My Writing Experiences

Your assumptions and ideas about writing before taking your first-year writing courses and how these assumptions were reinforced or challenged.
-After working on my projects this semester, I think that my previous assumptions were reinforced. Previous classes had taught me how to write in a certain way and helped me construct my thesis's properly. 

The most important lessons you have learned as both a reader and a writer as a result of taking your first-year writing courses.
-I learned a lot during my courses, from proper paper structure to identifying my purpose and audience. 

The ways you generated ideas, narrowed down topics, and worked on thesis statements. 
-I think that the way my ideas flowed and the strength of my thesis statements improved greatly. Throughout the course I think that my thesis strength has helped my writing process.

The peer review process, including feedback you offered and feedback you received.
-In my last project, I thought that my project would be interesting for other people to distribute feedback because it was not a paper. I hope that the feedback that I gave to others throughout the semester hopefully helped out my fellow students.

Individual or group conference with your instructor. 
-Did not use.

The discussion you had about your paper with people who were not in your class. 
-With my latest project, I had some people review my animated presentation. This helped me see errors that I had previously missed. Also, having people view my project that did not know the details of the rubric helped adjust my audience and material that I needed to add. 

How you approached the revision process for each easy. 
-As I stated in my first blog post, I am a heavy reviser so the revision process was very important to me in order for my projects to be straightened and not off topic. 

Your understanding or reading and writing in different genres. 
-In this course, I have written multiple genres, some of which I have never written before. I am satisfied with my work and my ability to learn about what is necessary to have successful projects.

What you would do differently if you were to take your first-year writing courses again.
-I would not do much differently if I were to retake my first-year writing courses. I am satisfied with the work and effort I have put into these courses. 

How college writing fits into your like now and how it will fit into your major and future career. 
-I think that writing will have an impact on my career in the future because I will probably be having to write many reports about different topics. The ability to display a topic quickly and briefly catch a person up on said topic will be an important aspect of my job.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

13.4 Revisiting My Writing Process

Throughout the semester, I feel as if my writing has improved. However, when comparing my writing now to my first blog post, I think that my perspective has not shifted. In my writing process, I still think that my writing style is categorized under the 'heavy revisers'. Looking towards the future, I think I would still be satisfied with being a 'heavy reviser'. Being a 'heavy reviser' makes sure that I minimize careless errors. Another approach that would provide exceptional work while working at a job would be 'heavy planners'. Being a 'heavy planner' would help structure the work slowly in order to have all the correct pieces to make a great paper.


13.3 Reflection on Project #3

Here is my final draft for Project #3.
