Friday, September 4, 2015

2.17 Annotated Bibliography in APA Style

6 Annotated Bibliographies in APA Style
Article 1: 
Cook, L. (2014). No, Justice is Not Colorblind. U.S. News. Retrieved from

-The purpose of this article is to express that the criminal justice system is not colorblind, meaning that the system is skewed in favor of non minorities. This article presents multiple graphs analyzing that african americans are facing police discrimination more than whites. The findings of this article via graphs show different statistics from scientific studies of african american incarcerations compared to other races. 

Article 2: 
Miller, J. (2015). FBI Director James Comey dives into debate over race, criminal justice. CBS News. Retrieved from

-This article expresses the view that the police force acknowledges that some officers understand that the police force may be acting racially. The director of the FBI says that it is necessary for the police force to change in and become less one sided in the efforts in race equality. Despite some officers having difficulty being unbiased within the work force, he explains that not all officers are like this, and most started this career in an attempt to make the community a better place. 

Article 3:
Taylor, C. (2013). Introduction: African Americans, Police Brutality, and the U.S. Criminal Justice System. The Journal of African American History, Volume 98, Issue No. 2, 200-204. doi: 10.5323/jafriamerhist.98.2.0200

-Through multiple sources and scientific statistical studies, the article bases its info from the racial inequality and police brutality of the criminal justice system. According to the article, the criminal justice system is ineffective of being unbiased and that the African Americans are being targeted differently compared to other races. African Americans are starting to take a stand in its efforts to end police brutality. The article touches upon multiple topics ranging from police stops, incarcerations, and court inequality. 

Article 4:
Spohn, C. (2013). Race, Crime, and Punishment in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Crime and Justice. Retrieved from,&searchText=Crime,&searchText=and&searchText=Punishment&searchText=in&searchText=the&searchText=Twentieth&searchText=and&searchText=Twenty-First&searchText=Centuries.&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DRace%252C%2BCrime%252C%2Band%2BPunishment%2Bin%2Bthe%2BTwentieth%2Band%2BTwenty-First%2BCenturies.%2B%26amp%3Bprq%3DIntroduction%253A%2BAfrican%2BAmericans%252C%2BPolice%2BBrutality%252C%2Band%2Bthe%2BU.S.%2BCriminal%2BJustice%2BSystem.%26amp%3Bgroup%3Dnone%26amp%3Bso%3Drel%26amp%3Bwc%3Don%26amp%3Bfc%3Doff%26amp%3Bhp%3D25%26amp%3Bacc%3Don
-Similar to the previous scholarly article, this article touches on the African American discrimination when encountering the Criminal Justice system. The article uses different sources to show that statistically, African Americans are being treated differently when it comes to criminal justice. Also mentioned in the article are descriptions of different races compared to African Americans. African Americans have expressed concern about the inequality between their communities and different police forces. The scientific studies within the article show how disproportionate African Americans are incarcerated, along with all other aspects of the system, compared to other races. 

Article 5: 
Boboltz, S. (2014). 16 Quotes to Remind America That Black Lives Matter. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from

-In this article, the author discusses 16 different quotes explaining the police brutality and what society has had to endure. From discrimination as a child to disproportional numbers of incarceration with African Americans. The article does not express scientific studies, however imports different pictures to help express her opinion. The author shows that African Americans are tired of the inequality and are taking a stand against the police brutality. The article focuses on the popular saying "Black Lives Matter."

Article 6:
Lott, J. (2014). The truth about young black men and police shootings. Fox News. Retrieved from

-This article expresses a different opinion when compared to the others, expressing that certain statistical data shows that it is not all about racism, and that certain statistics shows there is a reason for incarcerations. Most of the articles findings come from ProPublica, and goes into more detail about these statistical findings. The article also claims statements from other news papers may be wrong and urges the society to look into facts to help explain his case. 

Steven Duron

REFLECTION: I had to readjust some of my citations and change my link because the link would not proper display how to format APA style, After viewing other students work I realized that many students also work with APA format. It was difficult to find a student that had a different format than my own. Luckily Jon had a different citation style. The student I chose to comment on that had the same format was Felicia's blog because our topics are related to each other.  

Article 7: 

Kahn, A., Kirk, C. (2015). What It's Like to Be Black in the Criminal Justice System. Slate. Retrieved from

-The article displays multiple graphs explaining why African Americans are treated unfairly in the Criminal Justice system. The tables walk readers through the inequalities of being black through the system, starting with traffic stops and ending with parole.

Article 8:
Reis, M. (2015). End the Silence, Stop the Violence. Wordpress. Retrieved from

-According to this article, police brutality has always been around. The article suggests that it is an issue of the police department, and not a black, white, male, or female thing. Reis writes that all lives matter and urges the violence to be stopped.

Article 9:
Petrohilos, D. (2015). Graphic: Debunking the 'War on Police'. Think Progress. Retrieved from

-Mr. Petrohilos displays a couple graphs that go against the notion that there is a war against police. According to the graphs, police killings have been down, while civilian killings have increased. Also the article brought up an officer that faked his own shooting that happened recently.

Article 10:
Mazza, E. (2015). Miami Police Officer Lydia Marquez's Facebook Plea: 'Everyone's Life Matters'. Huffington Post. Retrieved from

-Officer Lyda creates a video about what happened when her son asked her why she goes to wok. Her response is that she cares. She believes that when the police respond to an emergency, they do not ask about the color of their skin, they respond to help. She agrees that there are a few bad apples but the overall goal of an officer is to help the community. 


  1. Your link doesn't go directly to an APA citation guide so I had to look around for one on the site and I am not sure if it's the same as the one you used. According to the APA guideline after the authors last name you give the authors initials rather than writing out their full first name. Also none of the sources listed had "print." written at the end of them so I wasn't sure if the source you had was a journal or a web article. If it was a journal it would need the journals name and volume and the page number. If it was a web article it would need the link to the website.

    I think you did a great job on your annotation. You gave a good summary on what each source covered. I especially liked how you summarized methods, I found myself having a hard time with this specific question. You did however leave out how you were planning on using the article. Within what you have already written it would be easy to add in a "forecast(ed) future use".

  2. Hi Steven, I couldn't find a good sample bibliography on your link so I dug out this one,, they type out the URLs so I suggest you also update the citation.

  3. You'll want to spend some more time on your APA citations. Parentheses around dates? all caps on a title? Italics in an article title?

  4. Nice revisions; as you go forward, remember that APA does not capitalize all the words in the text title (journal article titles no, journal titles yes). Details, details!
