Friday, September 25, 2015

Project #1 Final Draft

Who Matters?

Many people believe that the criminal justice system is unfairly treating minority groups. Due to constant discrimination, citizens have began to voice out their concern for the community. Others claim that the police are properly protecting its citizens, despite being criticized for their behavior. In response to a group of citizens proclaiming ‘Black Lives Matter’, critics have responded with the slogan ‘All Lives Matter'.

 Gary Lauzon, Nov 25 2014, Flickr
Black Lives Matter
This issue of police discrimination has brought about a movement known as ‘Black Lives Matter’. This movement was created to remind Americans that black lives matter just as much as everyone else's lives, but is not being treated as such.  Despite what many Americans wish to believe, America is not as racism free as we care to admit. “History has shown consistent discrimination against black people across many aspects of American life” (Boboltz, 2014). Many African Americans still feel personal discrimination in their own nation and community. There have been plenty of articles that include statistics that explain what it is like to be black in America. The statistics reported in these articles display that African Americans are being discriminated against and treated with inequality within the criminal justice system. An article explaining that the criminal justice system is not colorblind despite what people say states “black teenage men are 21 times as likely to be the victim of a reported police killing as white teenage men, according to analysis of 2010-2012 data” (Cook, 2014). This frightening statistic is one of the reasons why African Americans are afraid of our police force these days and has decided to take a stand to end the discrimination.

The ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has been on the rise, growing everyday by creating rallies, protests, and spreading the word. The racism experienced is meant to focus on the criminal justice system along with the the actions of police brutality. Many different statistics show that the black minority group has more incarcerations when compared to white citizens. ‘Also other statistics show that blacks are stopped more, convicted more, and show the least amount of confidence in the police (Cook, 2014). Ever since the Zimmerman case, each and every wrongful action by police has been shown as an act of brutality, enhancing the movement. Police are being monitored more closely as different events occur throughout the nation. In some instances, police even feel that there has been more of a violent approach towards police due to what has been happening, and this has started a counter response to the new protests.

All Lives Matter
Others have decided to act out, attempting to show that ‘All Lives Matter’, or even ‘Blue Lives Matter’. These are both remarks taken from the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, but with a different twist, meaning that all lives matter equally, and that police lives matter too. For example, a Miami Police Officer created a video (link to video within paragraph) in response to all the police brutality accusations, in favor of ‘Everyone’s Life Matters’. “Marquez wants the world to know that while police departments may have some "bad apples," officers care about protecting the public” (Mazza, 2015). After her little son had asked her why she was going to work, she responded with saying because she cares about the community no matter what color they are. And while police officers may be frightened of the dangers due the line of work they do, they still show up to help protect the community and try their best to be fair and equal.

Some people argue that it is not a race thing at all, but rather the police are doing their job and protecting their communities. One article writes “black male teenagers were nine times more likely to commit murders than similarly aged white males” (Lott, 2014). This would explain why police are incarcerating more blacks. In some cases, the police may feel it necessary to enact force on people committing crimes. And, with all the nervousness of police officers being monitored more closely, along with the possible increase of violence directed towards officers, they may retaliate with the same sort of hostility to protect themselves and the citizens around them. Others against the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement discuss that they just want the violence to stop altogether. No more police brutality, and more of all lives mattering equally. One article urges people to “stop the silence, end the violence...all lives matter” (Reis, 2015). The advocates of ‘All Lives Matter’ want to express the idea that everyone’s life matters just as much as the next, and that all lives are precious.

The ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has become a popular subject throughout the nation. With more and more stories of incidents, protesters are pressing for improvements within the police force to change. While on the other hand, advocates of ‘All Lives Matter’ try to press their opinion, in favor of the police. Whether you believe in ‘Black Lives Matter’ or ‘All Lives Matter’, one thing is for certain, something needs to be done so our society can move past this situation.

Steven Duron


Boboltz, S. (2014). 16 Quotes to Remind America That Black Lives Matter. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from
Cook, L. (2014). No, Justice is Not Colorblind. U.S. News. Retrieved from

Mazza, E. (2015). Miami Police Officer Lydia Marquez's Facebook Plea: 'Everyone's Life Matters'. Huffington Post. Retrieved from

Lott, J. (2014). The truth about young black men and police shootings. Fox News. Retrieved from

Reis, M. (2015). End the Silence, Stop the Violence. Wordpress. Retrieved from

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