Saturday, October 31, 2015

10.6 My Rhetorical Action Plan

With my public argument, I am trying to persuade my audience to not believe everything the media says and to have them form their own opinion on which side they feel they relate to more. I feel my audience already knows a great deal of information if they have been keeping up with recent news, as the events are talked about almost everyday. Some persuasive evidence that might help my audience form their own opinion would be to provide them with both sides of the story equally and provide facts that help both sides. My audience could enjoy hearing voices from both sides of the controversy. I think my genre will be an animated presentation. This will provide the audience with a fun way to keep up with all the events, and show both sides of the controversy. Different parts of rhetorical appeals will be used throughout my project; ethos, pathos, and logos. For the ethos aspect, identifying both sides of the controversy will be important. This is an emotional controversy, as people have already formulated their own opinions about the matter and tend to stand strongly behind them. I will be presenting statistics and facts about both sides equally, which will appeal to the logos. Some positive reactions that could happen after taking a look at my project is that the audience will be able to discuss the topic without stating bias facts they found in the media. A negative reaction could be that they could believe the the media is more trustworthy than my project, and then pay no attention to other people's opinion, thinking that theirs is 100% correct.


1 comment:

  1. I like the way you composed this and it sounds like you have a pretty solid plan in place. Good luck with putting it together.
