Wednesday, October 28, 2015

extended Annotated Bibliography

Bryant, K, Greenspan, R, Hamilton, E, Williams, H, & Weisburd, D. (2001). Abuse of Police Authority: A National Study of Police Officers' Attitudes. National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Washington, D.C.

This article is about a study attempting to show the voices of multiple police officers about sensitive subjects. One of these subjects is police abuse. Within the article, police officers views and opinions about police abuse to the community is expressed. This helps answer my question about how the media portrays both sides of my controversy. This article can show one of the sides of my controversy, and how it is shown to the public.

McLaughlin, E. (2015, April 24). We're not seeing more shootings, just more news coverage. Retrieved from:

In this article, McLaughlin shares his opinion on the media coverage of police brutality. He thinks that there are not more shootings, just more coverage. He also finds it difficult to see the number of police shootings, compared to other non important statistics. This article will be helpful in answering my questions because it reacts to police brutality and shows a certain way the media normally acts in these types of topics.

Chermak, S, McGarrell, E, & Gruenewald, J. (2006) Media coverage of police misconduct and attitudes toward police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Vol. 29(2)261 - 281. Doi: tp://

This article discusses exactly what my question is, how the media covers police misconduct. The study looks at police attitudes and opinions of how they feel about cases that have become popular. This could range from demographics to actions that police officers may feel about the case or how the case has effected the community. This article will answer my question from a different view of how the police officers feel about the media coverage.

Rogers, C. (2015, October 25). Letter: Quit criticizing for doing their job. Retrieved from:

Rogers trys to make the claim that police officers are doing their job and to stop criticizing them. Also she trys to explain to the public that it is a difficult job and to think about how they would in the police officers shoes. This is one example of the media that can show that it is not entirely one sided. The media covers both opinions of this controversy.

Dowler, K. (2003). Media Consumption and Public Attitudes Toward Crime and Justice: The Relationship between Fear of Crime, Punitive Attitudes, and Perceived Police Effectiveness. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, Vol. 10(2) 109-126.

In this scholarly article, a study is used to show how watching the media effects your opinion on crime. The article also trys to see how effect the population views the police after media influence. This article will help me answer my questions because it answers the question of how the media reacts to police brutality and crime. By evaluating test subjects of how the media influences the public, it will become clear how they react to crime. 


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