Friday, October 23, 2015

9.4 Questions About Controversy

  • Write 5 questions in which you identify things you still need to learn about about WHO is involved in the controversy.
-How much of the population is in favor of each side?
-Are there some minorities that have no issue with what is happening?
-Are there some police officers that think there needs to be major police reform?
-Who are the activists for both sides?
-Do both sides recognize the issues here?
  • Write 5 questions in which you identify things you still need to learn about about WHAT is up for debate in this controversy.
-Why do minorities voice out against police officers?
-Why do police officers and other supporters feel that they are doing the right thing?
-What is it that minorities are asking for?
-What are the key arguments for both sides?
-What is a possible solution to stop this controversy?
  • Write 5 questions in which you identify things you still need to learn about WHEN this controversy has unfolded (and the larger contextual details of that time period that may be relevant).
-When was the first major event?
-When was the most recent event within the subject of minority discrimination?
-How many protests have been held?
-When did police officers use body cams?
-When did opposing supporters first start to speak out?
  • Write 5 questions in which you identify things you still need to learn about WHERE this controversy has unfolded - and I mean both physical spaces and cultural spaces.
-Where are the most incidences?
-Where do most protests occur?
-Where are most activists voicing out that agree with the police work?
  • Write 5 questions in which you identify things you still need to learn about HOW this controversy has unfolded in the media (including general popular media, scholarly media and social media)
-How come it took so long for the media to address the US?
-How does the media react to police brutality?
-How does the media capture the image of both sides?
-Does the media lean towards one side of the controversy?


1 comment:

  1. I found this kind of hard for myself to come up with these questions. I had to really put some thought and research into it so I can appreciate the questions you have come up with. I have noticed that we are somewhat writing on similar issues so reading through your blogs have helped me immensely.
